
Welcome to our class Wiki. We will be using this to input student created responses to content and vocabulary that we will use in various aspects of our classroom.
Since this is student directed, we will constantly be looking to "build our understandings" through thoughtful input of content discussed in class. After making comments or adding content, please be sure to fill in your activity template.
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Be sure to check out my links - http://delicious.com/lueckl
Summer Homework!
Note to public-
This is a website that evolves under the care and efforts of an entire classroom of elementary school students. One of the goals of the site is to encourage students to take responsibility for authorship and to push themselves to constantly revise and edit these pages that are available for the public eye. While I do review the content daily, I will rely on students to make changes to content, grammar, spelling, and layout because this website belongs to them.
Parents and visitors-
If you do happen to spot problems of a more serious nature (before I do) please let me know immediately so I can right them.
Mr. Lueck

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